lifestyle of the rich and famous…

The Eden Roc was alive with the sparkle of camera flashbulbs last night.

The Rally for Kids with Cancer brought out stars like Eva Longoria (Desperate Housewives), John Sally (b-ball player), Bai Ling (don’t really know what she’s famous for, she got stuck standing behind me at one point so that should tell you something…), Eva La Rue (CSI:Miami), Gilles Marini (Dancing with the Stars), Adam Gregory (90210), Jason Kennedy (E! News) and more.ย 


Gilles Marini


Eva Longoria

Eva La Rue




The hotel was amazing! If you’ve never been to the Eden Roc it’s worth the trip!

In case you don’t know the story, the Eden Roc and Fontainebleu are historically linked as two of Miami’s most luxurious see-and-be-seen places. But they are also known for one of the hospitality industries most heated rivalries throughout the years.

as close as a property line...the eden roc balcony in the foreground and the fontainebleu just beyond...

Designed by the same architect, Morris Lapidus, the hotels were in competition from the very start. They both attracted Hollywood’s brightest stars of the day for their graceful architecture and enviable addresses…not to mention the sun drenched ocean views. Then the Fontainbleu famously erected a “spite” wall between the two uber close buildings on Miami Beach. The wall evidently served its purposed and blocked out the sun on the Eden Roc side. Needless to say, it was ugly.

a rendering of some of the Eden Roc's mainstays back in the day...

Since then the Eden Roc has undergone extensive renovations and is just as gorgeous as it was back in the day…but with a more modern edge.

The atmosphere is expectedly Miami Beach chic. Modern art, sleek lines, exotic flower arrangements and lots of white pull you into the clean serenity of a shrine to the good life.

a peek into the bedroom from the shower and jet-bath room...

But regardless of all the updates, the Eden Roc has somehow still managed to hold onto itsย old-school glamour, recalling the days when women in one-piece swimsuits lounged by the pools and were considered sexy.

a larger than life mural adds atmosphere to the lobby bar area...

Here, vintage and contemporary have blended seamlessly, intertwining old and new, modern and antique. And, in my opinion, the Eden Roc is better for it.

the Eden Roc lobby is an experience in and of itself...

the sunshine state…

is a little cloudy right now…but that’s not stopping me from laying out on the dock as I try to catch a few rays in this 80 degree weather!

How I do miss this when the weather turns cold in Georgia…what can I say, I’m a warm weather type of girl. ๐Ÿ™‚

I got to Florida on Wednesday evening. Can we say, loving it?! Though I do miss Michael (it’s funny how you get used to sharing life with someone), I am coping just fine with my best friends: sun and water. They are two of my favorite things on earth. Cure-alls, I tell you.

Amidst a day of running around with Pam yesterday, we got a call from Greg who needed us to bring the Corvette to the hotel (Eden Roc) for sponsorship detailing. It’s going to be used in a celebrity rally/scavenger hunt/race around Miami this weekend.

Cue the cool music, pull back the hair and slip on the shades, right?

Umm. No. Traveling on 95 at over 60 miles per hour is not cool or sexy. It’s a constant pounding. I don’t think we said much to one another for the entire ride, except maybe: “Wow, this seems to be taking a really long time.(me)” and “I know some people love this, but this is not my idea of fun.(Pam)”

We made it to the Eden Roc valet looking like birds might have taken up residence in our hair. It was a really stylish look for lunch at the hotel’s Cabana oceanside restaurant. Gilles Marini, from Sex in the City movie, Dancing with the Stars and Brothers and Sisters, wandered through at one point looking every bit the movie star, while Pam and I were still pulling knots out of our hair and hoping we didn’t have bugs in our teeth.

Maybe we should put the top up next time…

Now, I’m going to get back to my hard life right now and work on this tan ๐Ÿ™‚

it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Ok, so I know that we haven’t even hit Thanksgiving yet, but since we go to Florida with my family for Christmas I like to get it done a little early. That way, our house is mostly “dressed and ready” for the holidays when we come back (Nov. 30 this year)!

I know that Christmas is becoming too commercialized. I realize that almost as soon as the summer ends most stores start sneaking out the tinsel in subtle (and not so subtle) ways. Some even set up a stray Christmas tree near the back…just to remind us, just to entice us, just to make sure we are ready to spend, spend, spend…

And we do.

And though I’m not completely immune to all of that consumerism, I never want to become ambivalent about what Christmas is truly about. I never want to drive past a nativity without remembering. I never want to be so caught up in the glitter that I forget where the true glory remains. I want the entire season to be about more than candy canes, hot chocolate and the scent of pine and cinnamon (although I adore all of those things!).

Ever since I can remember I loved watching those Christmas-y commercials. You know the ones…the ones where the entire family is gathered around the tree or the grandma is pulling a turkey from the oven, or the doorbell rings and the family runs to listen to carolers…those ones.

Something about them has always appealed to me. I was thinking about that the other day and I realized I love the “feeling” they projected more than whatever product they were selling.

I pray it always stays that way. I pray I can still hold onto the wonder of the season without resorting to cheap materialism. I pray the twinkle of lights, lights a flame in my spirit and not just my wallet.


Holly and I in front of the Rockerfeller tree in 2006.

creatively inspired…

How did it get to be Wednesday already?

It’s been so busy lately, but I’m finally sitting down to write a post. Last Saturday, Brittney and I sold some of the stuff we’ve been making for the first time. We’re calling our little “business,” Chrissy Rox. Cute, huh? It’s a take on my first name and her middle name (Roxanne).

A lot of our inspiration comes from brands like J. Crew, Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters.

We’ve made necklaces, detailed shirts, headbands, pillows, door dressings, wine gift bags, tutus, and more. It’s been a lot of fun to create.

There is nothing like the feeling you get when you create something.

We’ll be selling our stuff online soon ( I’ll give out the exact link once I finish uploading our stuff.

Until then, check our our little table from last week ๐Ÿ™‚


loving these…

What is it about a Friday that is so wonderful? ๐Ÿ™‚

Here are some of my favorite websites and blogs I’ve found this week. Check them out as I enjoy the scent of a Bath & Body Works “Winter Glow” candle and my new/used faux-velvet overstuffed armchair and ottoman we recently found at a garage for $50 (can you believe how well it goes with the room??!)


1) Poetic Home
This little site is full of lovely design ideas and stories. In fact, through Poetic Home I actually learned that I absolutely heart the Wabi Sabi style of design. It’s about finding beauty in imperfection.

“If you ask a Western individual what Wabi Sabi is, her definition will likely describe antique furniture and rusty patinas. Interestingly, ask a Japanese person the same question, and her answer will focus on emotions…”

Check it out, you might love it and not even know it!

This blog is run by a teenager from Dallas. Yes, she’s young, but her style is pretty enviable. I think what I love best is that she pulls together her looks from vintage stores and isn’t a slave to what is on the runways now.


3)The Bright Side Project
If you need a little cheering up, check out this site! It updates with the most unique and nicest art/home goods/accessories/food/cosmetics….well, everything really…
But the best part is all of the items featured are up for you to win! Yes, you can win that necklace on the screen that you’re drooling over. It’s a simple and creative idea and it’s definitely worth a visit to the FAQs section to see what they’re all about.


raw organic sunless tanning

Well, I had my first organic spray tan yesterday and I must say, it was wonderful!

I have to admit that I am not a spray tan person. I love the sun. I tolerate the tanning bed. But I hate the feeling of “ick.” To me, spray tanning is “ick.”

I know the statistics and I know the risks associated with regular tanning, but I am a slave to that golden look.

So when My Daily Thread editor gave me the RAW Organic Sunless Tanning assignment, I must admit that I was skeptical. I mean, come on, how could something made from “all natural” ingredients still look and feel good?

Needless to say, I had my doubts.

And then I spoke with the owner, Tiffany. Her own personal story of surviving melanoma skin cancer really struck a chord with me. After all, she’s around my age. She grew up in the sun, like I did. She was also skeptical about sunless tanners, until she had no other option.

So she did what anyone in her situation would do: she hunted down the best sunless tanning solution she could find. And she made it better.

The all natural component of the RAW base is key, according to Tiffany. While spray tans are better for you than the sun or the tanning bed, what is really seeping into your body through the skin? Chemicals. Yuck.

The solution’s organic ingredients include, rosemary, aloe vera and a bark extract that helps tighten cellulite and reduce wrinkles.

Sign me up!

So yesterday when I met Tiffany down at her tanning studio in Inman Park, I was already pretty pumped about the product.


The cool art gallery vibe of the studio and the one-on-one personalized attention to your tan didn’t hurt my excitement either.

After all the build up, it would have been devastating to hate the way I looked after my spray down (which took all of about 7 minutes!). But I LOVED it!

The color is fabulous! I’m a light tan color, I don’t look like I just stepped off a cruise, I don’t look like an oompa loompa, I just look sun-kissed. Perfect.

But the best part about RAW might be the price. Even with all of the celebrity-like attention you receive, Tiffany has made her prices compete with those of a typical tanning bed. How about $70 per month for UNLIMITED tans??!! AND you’re the color you want to be right away, no going four or five times until you see results!

Plus, Tiffany will even come to you if you want. I thinking “Tanning Party.” Who’s with me??!!!

this is michael…

….and I just want to say that this whole thing kind of freaks me out. I don’t know if I like you people reading about my personal life. So stop reading. Close your computer while you’re thinking about my privacy. Thanks. ๐Ÿ™‚

won’t relent

Sometimes I’m overwhelmed at how blessed I am.

That’s not to say there aren’t days when I feel disconnected or distant. Last night I lay awake thinking of all the “what ifs” for nearly two hours before Michael got up for work, at which point I decided sleep had completely illuded me and I should go ahead and get up.

A conversation last night with my brother-in-law, Anthony, about “breath” and “spirit” has me thinking of so many things.
The rabbit hole to where this conversation led my thinking isn’t necessarily along the lines of what we were talking about, but contemplating breath reminded me how short life is…we will only take so many breaths on this journey and then it’s over.ย At least, our earthly journey is over, but the spirit goes on.

So what are we doing with this 80 or so years we’re given?

Don’t get me wrong, I want nice things, I want an orderly, comfortable home, I want a career I can be proud of, I want to leave something for the generations that come behind me. I’m sure Michael can get overwhelmed with all of the things “I want.”

But, when it comes down to it, what I really want, what I really need, is for the Lord to look at my spirit and say “well done.”

I’ve been stuck on a song that my brother, John-Paul, introduced me to recently. It helps put me in a spirit of worship and reminds me of Who gave me the breath I have here and now.

This is a process, but I won’t relent…

besame mucho

I know most of you have never been to Key West, but if you ever get the chance…go!

Having lived there for almost two years, I could tell you about all of the typical tourist places to pop into just to say you did, but I won’t because truthfully if you only have a couple of days or a few hours off a cruise ship, then you shouldn’t waste any time. So spend your time in the places with history, wander the cemetery (amazing!!), take a house and garden tour, or eat somewhere a little off Duval.

And if you do get time to shop, head toward Petronia Street. A favorite shop of mine is located in between Whitehead and Thomas.
It’s called “Besame Mucho,” which means “Kiss me again and again…”


Romantic, right?

It is, but not necessarily in a “boy-meets-girl” kind of way, although that might be true as well. Besame Mucho oozes romance in a way that makes you stop and appreciate all the little things in life. From the music played, to the Moroccan glasses displayed – there is something just a little special about everything they carry.


And for the architectural enthusiasts among us (me included!), the tiny conch cottage which houses the whimsical store just adds to the uniqueness of Besame Mucho.

Part of the reason I’m so enamored with remembering Besame Mucho right now is because I’m headed to Key West in a couple of weeks…it’s only for the day, but I’m excited to take Michael on a tour of all the little places I used to love.
Those out of the way haunts are what I remember and loved most about the Conch Republic.